Thursday, December 12, 2019

Assumptions People Make About Freelance Writers: Part I

Freelance writer, Robert Kurzban, discusses one of the many assumptions ‘traditional’ professionals make about freelance writers and the freelance writing industry as a whole.

When a freelance writer introduces his/herself as a freelance writer, the assumptions start rolling in almost automatically. As a writer, Robert Kurzban has been on both sides of the spectrum. He’s maintained ‘traditional’ positions as a journalist and he’s worked as a freelance writer. Now thriving in the freelance route, he has noticed the assumptions others make about freelance writers more and more.

You’re Your Own Boss

Robert Kurzban
Oh, you’re a freelance writer…  It must be great being your own boss!

Fair enough. As a freelance writer, working from home (or wherever you please) is quite common. This means that no one is looking over your shoulder; or calling you in for a regular meeting with the publishing team; or pushing you to complete your current assignment(s). At first glance, all of these elements sound fantastic. (Especially to the introverted writer!)

But the reality is… technically, you aren’t your own boss. Sometimes, as a freelance writer, you have not one, not two, not three -- but an infinite amount of bosses. And that can make things complicated!

How could this be? With no office to report to and no editor checking in on you throughout the day… how can you possibly have so many bosses?!

Well, for starters, you are your first boss. And in that case, what kind of boss are you? Are you organized and strict? Do you keep yourself on task with deadlines and schedules? Or are you privy to falling behind?

Your next bosses are your clients. Each individual gig is a separate job… and that means, each individual client is a separate boss! Just like a traditional boss in a typical work environment, you must respond and report to your client’s needs and concerns. This puts the client in a position of power -- or client control.

Stay tuned for Robert Kurzban’s next analysis on the many assumptions freelance writers are often bombarded with by ‘traditional’ professionals.

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